Instead of partying until the early hours, many of us will be spending New Year's Eve curled up in front of the TV this year, and this is especially true if you have young children at home.
If you're spending the evening with the kids, you might be worried about letting them stay up until midnight in case they are overtired the next day – or maybe you just want some time to yourself.
Well, thanks to Netflix, you could get them to bed early after all. The streaming giant has released a number of kid-friendly New Year's Eve countdowns, which can be played at any time you want, fooling your children into thinking it's midnight.
Netflix and chill (literally)With 12 titles to choose from, you should be able to find a countdown that your kids will love this year. These include The Boss Baby: Back in Business, All Hail King Julien, Tales of Arcadia, Spirit Riding Free, Fuller House, Beat Bugs, Pinky Malinky, Super Monsters, Motown Magic, True and the Rainbow Kingdom, Larva Island, Skylanders Academy, Prince of Peoria, and Alexa & Katie.
Netflix released its first fake countdown for kids way back in 2014, with Madagascar's King Julien leading the festivities. Since then, they have taken off in popularity, with around five million members tuning in each year, according to the streaming platform.
So, if you're hoping for a tranquil end to the year, Netflix may just be exactly you need to see in the New Year with well-rested kids (and a bit of peace and quiet.)
Check out our roundup of the best free games for kidsNote: Our weird and wonderful niche Linux distros roundup has been fully updated. This feature was first published in December 2011.
Fed up with the bog-standard Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and so on? Looking for a distro that reflects your individuality? In this roundup we've discovered no less than 13 of the quirkiest and most useful distributions that Linux has to offer.
They include one distro which is the official, sanctioned OS of North Korea, no less, and an OS which is so light it will run on a PC from the mid-80s.
Read on to find out more about each of these interesting distros. Before we begin, however, do note that not all of these operating systems are suitable for everyday use without extensive modification – so consider running them from a Live CD/USB or within a virtual machine, rather than installing them on a computer.
10 of the best Linux distros for privacy fiends and security buffs5 of the most popular Linux gaming distros10 best Linux distros: which one is right for you?What's the best Linux distro for beginners?How to choose the best Linux distro for laptops Linux Format is the number one magazine to boost your knowledge on Linux, open source developments, distro releases and much more. Subscribe to the print or digital version of Linux Format hereImage credit: DistroWatch
The ‘hermit kingdom’ that is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is one of the most isolated countries in the world. The internet is strictly censored (indeed, most North Koreans have never even heard of it) and access to computers is patchy.
Unwilling to rely solely on operating systems developed by the imperialist US, supreme leader Kim Jong-Il sanctioned the development of an official OS of North Korea named Red Star, which is based on Linux and uses North Korean terminology and spelling.
Red Star fully lives up to the Orwellian reputation of the DPRK. It is closed source and has a feature which watermarks any media files copied to external drives with the hard drive’s serial number. This is most likely because North Korean dissidents often swap banned films using a 'sneakernet' of USB sticks. Red Star also has a supposed 'virus scanner' which can automatically delete censored files. The root user is disabled by default, meaning you don't have full control over your system.
For this reason, you should only run Red Star inside a virtual machine. See our guide on how to do this here.
Development of Red Star has continued under the auspices of supreme commander Kim Jong Un. Version 3.0 was released back in 2014 and uses the KDE desktop environment, bearing a strong resemblance to macOS. It works quite well but is preconfigured to only use North Korea's intranet by default, so can't access the web at large, except for a few pages on the Mozilla website.
As the OS is based on Linux, skilled users can tinker with the language and DNS settings to use it in English with internet access. There's also a server-only version (4.0) used by the DPRK's official airline Air Koryo which can connect directly to the internet, but it's not available for general download.
The default web browser Naenara (meaning ‘My Country’) is a modified version of Firefox 3.5. We searched for 'democracy' in the default search engine, but nothing came up.
As a final reminder: if you want to give this a whirl, don’t install the OS on actual hardware, but rather inside a virtual machine.
Download Red Star OS hereThe classically educated reader might be able to guess that MuLinux is a small distro – the Greek letter 'mu' is the SI designation for one millionth.
Mu was designed to be a minimal distro along the lines of Puppy or Damn Small Linux, but it's considerably more miniscule. The OS was developed to run from floppy disks, so only requires 20MB of hard disk space and 4MB of RAM. It will run on any machine with an Intel 80386 processor or later. This particular processor was released in 1985 so it’s safe to say that MuLinux can breathe life into ancient hardware.
Development of MuLinux was frozen in 2004. As mentioned, it was originally designed in such a way to allow the user to install and run a basic Unix-like shell from a single floppy disk, then install additional packages such as server tools from separate disks.
Download the base floppy disk and packages for MuLinux hereCAINE (which stands for Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is aimed at users with an interest in crime scene investigation. It's an Italian flavor of Linux designed for forensic analysis and other types of police work.
CAINE includes a variety of CSI tools such as the Autopsy Forensic Browser, stenography tools and The Sleuth Kit. UFO (Ultimate Forensic Outflow) supports full, detailed recovery analysis such as browser history, password recovery, malware, log viewers and network analysis tools.
CAINE Linux is built around four objectives which include an interoperable environment that supports digital investigation, a user-friendly interface, and a semi-automated compilation of the final report. The ISO file weighs in at 3.6GB.
Download CAINE Linux hereThis is one that will appeal to the techies out there – the thing that marks GoboLinux out from the rest is its filesystem layout. Most Linux distributions use an archaic non-arrangement wherein an application's files are scattered around your hard drive in several different folders.
GoboLinux adopts a macOS-like approach (which Apple in turn took from RISC OS), and stores all files associated with an application in a single folder in '/Programs'. For instance, if you have a program named 'foo' all files pertaining to it would be stored in '/Programs/foo'. You can still install multiple versions of the same application if you wish, for example, for separate users on the system. This is managed by GoboLinux's file virtualization tool Runner.
The most current version of GoboLinux is 016.01, released in April 2017, but the project's Github page shows Gobo is in active development. The latest version includes a copy of one of the very first web browsers, NCSA Mosaic, for a bit of old-school net surfing. GoboLinux also now includes GoboNet, a lightweight and daemon-free network manager.
Download GoboLinux hereIf you like software freedom, you'll love GNewSense. The OS has had all non-free software removed, including binary 'blob' files in the kernel, so-named as they use proprietary code. Unfortunately, many of these blobs are drivers for wireless networking cards, so GNewSense may not work well with laptops.
On the plus side, it has removed or renamed software that doesn't fit the Free Software Foundation's definition of freedom. The OS uses a modified version of Debian's IceWeasel browser, for instance, to avoid using the Firefox trademark. GNewSense doesn’t provide any links to non-free repositories, making it even more free than Debian.
After a three year hiatus, the latest version of GNewSense, codenamed Ucclia, was released in May 2016 and is based on Debian 7. It can be booted as a Live CD to help you check whether it supports your hardware.
Download GNewSense hereDo you love Linux? Do you really love it? Because you're going to need to if you want to follow the Linux from Scratch program. Not (technically) a formal distro, LFS is more a set of tutorials and packages designed to help you set up your own completely bespoke Linux system. From scratch.
That means first creating a temporary system with which to compile the real thing, building your own partitions and file system, and installing every element of a functioning Linux system painstakingly by hand. Oh, and figuring out exactly why it isn't working.
The documentation comes in freely downloadable volumes, charmingly entitled 'Stable' for the latest release and 'Development' if you want to check out the version that creator Gerard Beekmans and his team are working on at this very moment. There's also a systemd version, which uses the latest in system initialisation techniques.
One of the easiest ways to get started is to read the freely downloadable LFS Book, which takes you through all the steps for constructing your own system. As of LFS version 8.0, the book has undergone a major rewrite with hundreds of new packages now available.
Download Linux from Scratch hereNixOS has grown from a simple research project in 2014 to a fully-fledged independent operating system, optimised for cutting-edge system configuration management. It qualifies as weird and wonderful due to the fact that the OS, kernel, and other system files are created using the integrated Nix package manager.
While Linux traditionally lumps packages together in various system folders such as /bin, Nix stores them in a single location (/nix/store).
The advantage of this is that all upgrades are 'atomic'. With traditional Linux distros, upgrading one package can cause others to break if they have shared dependency. Nix's crafty package segregation means that all updates and upgrades can be reversed. This makes for a very stable system.
Download NixOS hereMoebuntu is an upgrade for existing Ubuntu installations designed especially for fans of Manga and Anime, and it shows how the OS can be tweaked or fine-tuned to the extreme. There’s an automated setup tool which will apply the colourful desktop and icon themes – prepare yourself for some alarming hues of pink if you do so. There's also a suitably rosy dash icon as well as an array of wallpapers and Manga-style fonts.
As gaudy as this may appear, the advantage of Moebuntu is that it has kept pace with the times. The latest release supports Ubuntu 17.04 so unlike some of the other distros we've highlighted, you can enjoy a taste of the weird and wonderful while having an up-to-date OS.
You can install the Moebuntu desktop theme, icon packs, wallpaper and Dash icon by following the steps on the Moebuntu websiteHaving given the devil his due with Ubuntu Satanic Edition earlier in this article, it’s only fair that we let Christians rejoice about the version of Linux crafted just for them.
Ubuntu CE offers a non-denominational version of Linux for Christians, based on the standard Ubuntu builds. The latest version is built on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (long term support).
The stated aim of the project is to try to encourage more people within the Christian community to realise the power of Linux and switch to Ubuntu.
The latest release incorporates Xiphos, a bible study tool, as well as worship presentation software OpenLP and Quelea, which can be used to project bible verses, hymns and so on.
Ubuntu CE also includes the powerful 'Dansguardian' content filter providing advanced parental controls. The wallpaper has been thoughtfully chosen with Biblical quotes.
Download Ubuntu Christian Edition hereThere still exists among our Windows-using cousins the risible idea that Linux isn't good enough to take over on the desktop – that the continued dominance of Microsoft on the desktop is inevitable, because Linux is not up to the job technically.
This can easily be refuted. All of the top 500 supercomputers in the world now run Linux. Also, the cleverest people on the planet – scientists searching for clues about the beginning of the universe – also use Scientific Linux at the CERN laboratories.
This distro is a rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and is actively developed by people within CERN, Fermilab and ETHZ. Anyone can download and install it on their machine – you don't even need a PhD in theoretical physics.
Download Scientific Linux hereParted Magic is a Live distro that comes with all the tools you need to fix broken partitions. If something won't boot, this is what you use to fix it, and that goes for both Linux and Windows machines. It is most often used as a tool, although technically it is a Linux distribution in its own right.
Parted Magic also allows for secure disk erasing (making sure that data is really nuked), benchmarking, and disk cloning among other features. As a troubleshooting aid, it's indispensable, but it will cost you $11 (around £8.70, AU$15.60) to download direct from the author's site. For an additional fee you can order it preinstalled on USB or DVD.
Download Parted Magic hereThis distro is drastically out-of-date and about as niche as they come, but HML – or Hannah Montana Linux – is the perfect desktop for fans of Miley Cyrus’ heady Nickelodeon days. Enjoy a pink Hannah Montana-themed KDE desktop, featuring Tux with the double-life teenage singer's logo emblazoned on his belly.
It also includes a custom Hannah Montana boot screen, theme, icon set and wallpapers. The website helpfully adds that it is not vulnerable to Windows viruses.
There's no reason to use HML unless you're a diehard Hannah fan, but since it's based on Kubuntu using KDE 4.2, there are plenty of packages to install. You could even upgrade it to the latest version of Kubuntu by running the command 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' from the Linux Terminal. Alternatively, diehard Montana-fans can download the icons and/or theme pack and install it on top of their existing KDE install.
Download HML hereZeroshell comes from Italy, and it’s a small Linux distro designed to run as a Live CD for servers or embedded devices such as routers. You can even install it onto a Raspberry Pi.
It has no GUI but you can access and configure it from your web browser. Zeroshell is a lot more powerful than the average router's web interface allowing you to perform activities such as assigning IP addresses, DHCP provision and changing DNS settings. It can function as a proxy, VPN access point or a firewall, and can interface with any network appliance.
Zeroshell is in active development: the latest version (3.8.2) was released in December 2017.
Download Zeroshell Linux hereAlthough the Samsung Galaxy A8s has yet to hit Indian markets, we can safely expect it to do so soon, given that the company brings all its offerings to the country, and moreover, its closest competitor, the Honor View20, is set to come to India in a short while. Meanwhile, the South Korean company is busy working on the launch of its upcoming flagship phones, the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10+, which are expected to launch at or around the Mobile World Congress on Feb 25, 2019. And it appears that the company is also working on two other mid-tier phones, the Galaxy M20 and Galaxy A50.
The M20 is expected to launch before the S10, but it seems that the A50 will only go official after the Mobile World Congress 2019. Previous rumours that the A50 would pack a 5000mAh battery have now been denied; it seems it will pack a 4000mAh one instead.
Additionally, the Samsung Galaxy A50 will support more than one rear camera, and the primary one will have a 24MP sensor. The device will be powered by Samsung’s Exynos 7 9610 chipset, an octa-core processor with four Cortex-A73 cores and four A53s. There will reportedly be two storage variants of the A50- a 4GB/64GB version, and 4GB/128GB.
The A50 is expected to run Android 9 Pie out of the box, based on its own One UI. Judging by this information, the A50 will probably launch after the Galaxy S10 and S10+, since the yearly flagship phones are usually the first to launch with the latest software, and the Galaxy S10 series is said to run Android 9 Pie out of the box as well.
Further reports place an in-display fingerprint sensor on the A50, but it is said to be an optical sensor rather than the ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensor expected in the S10.
Honor View 20 to be sold exclusively on Amazon IndiaEveryone is talking about the latest episode in the Black Mirror anthology series, Bandersnatch, and with good reason; set in 1984, the interactive installment puts you in control of key decisions throughout the film, meaning you can choose how the episode plays outs.
Released on Netflix on December 28, Bandersnatch is a natural evolution of Black Mirror's paranoid depictions of technology – as well as Netflix's growing interest in interactive media on its streaming platform, such as Minecraft: Story Mode. It follows budding games designer Stefan Butler as he pitches his choose-your-own adventure game, Bandersnatch, to games company, Tuckersoft.
In typical Black Mirror fashion, no stone has been left unturned with the creation of a suitably retro-looking website for Tuckersoft, which features in the episode. Not only that, but you can play one of the games from the episode, called Nohzdyve with the help of an ZX Spectrum emulator.
A word of warning thought – it's best not to explore the site until you've watched the episode in case you inadvertently stumble across any spoilers.
A still from Black Mirror's Bandersnatch on Netflix.
How do I play Black Mirror's Nohzdyve game?What's interesting about the Tuckersoft website, is that there are multiple versions of it out there for you to explore, mirroring the different possible outcomes of Bandersnatch itself (spoilers ahead).
The regular version of the website, which was discovered via a QR code in the episode, advertises Tuckersoft's games lineup, including Nohzdyve. However, on a different version of the website, which can be accessed by removing the 'www.' prefix from the url, it states that the game was never completed due to a "bleak turn of events."
Nohzdyve is a free falling game in which you need to avoid obstacles and collect eyeballs. To play the game, you'll need to head to the regular version of the website, and click on the download button to get the .tap file.
As it's a .tap file, the game can only be played using a ZX spectrum emulator like Speccy (for the uninitiated, the ZX Spectrum was an 8-bit personal home computer released in the UK in the early 80's).
Right now, it doesn't look like the title game, Bandersnatch, is available to play anywhere – but with multiple possible realities, it's probably only a matter of time before it's discovered on a similarly obscure website somewhere.
2018 was a great year for phones. We saw huge leaps in the power of computational photography, cheap phones that look and feel like they could pass for a model three times the price, and glass designs as far as the eye can see.
Will 2019 top it? Judging by what's coming, quite possibly.
Next year we'll get 5G phones, the first true folding screen model from one of the big names, still more CPU power. And, with any luck, even more progress in phone cameras.
Here are the launches you need to watch out for in 2019 that will bring these goodies.
The best smartphones of 2018: US | UK | AU | AE Samsung Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 PlusThe Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will be among the first flagships to launch in 2019
When? March 2019
Sure, by the end of 2019 we may end up recommending you buy a Galaxy Note 10 rather than the Galaxy S10. However, it's the Galaxy S10 we'll see first, and it will set the tone for Samsung's 2019 phones.
The big feature here is the follow-up to the notch. Instead of a lip on the top, screens will look as though they've been attacked with a hole punch. While you may be able to make fingerprint scanners that sit behind screens, standard camera sensors aren't designed to deal with that hurdle. That hole is needed.
It looks a bit odd at first glance. But hopefully once your eyes have adjusted it'll stop looking like someone has stolen a tiny portion of your OLED.
Story so far: Samsung Galaxy S10 | Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus Nokia 9HMD Global could push the camera game to new levels on smartphones with five lenses.
When? Feb/March 2019
HMD Global has released some great, affordable phones in 2018 but we didn't really see a true flagship from the company this year but that is expected to change next year with the Nokia 9.
Expected to be the first phone with FIVE cameras on the back, the Nokia 9 could push mobile photography to new levels. Nokia championed phone cameras with its PureView technology back in the day and we won't be surprised to see it come back with a bang.
Other than the insane camera setup, the Nokia 9 is also expected to feature and in-screen fingerprint sensor and an 18:8 screen with no notch or punch holes.
What to expect from Nokia 9 Huawei P30 ProThe Huawei P20 Pro was great, but we want even more from the P30 Pro
When? March/April 2019
If you're not impressed by Huawei's phones these days, you should be. After the amazing P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro in 2018, the Huawei P30 Pro is right near the top of our 'most wanted of 2019' list.
The big question is where Huawei can go next with its camera technology. Early reports suggest it will use a 38-megapixel main camera sensor, the Sony IMX607. However, it will be tough to improve the already-great low-light image quality of the P20 Pro.
From a user experience point of view, though, perhaps speed rather than a drastic image quality change is what Huawei wants. The P20 Pro can take up to 6-7 seconds to shoot a low-light photo. If it can bring that down to a second or two, the P30 Pro will be even more fun to use.
Huawei P30/P30 Pro: what we want to see Motorola Moto G7 and G7 PlusThe Moto G6 is one of the best budget phone of 2018, so the Moto G7 will have its work cut out
When? March/April 2019
We're in the recommendations game. As much as we love new and exciting tech, telling you which phone, laptop, speaker or graphics card to buy is perhaps our most important job. And that's why the Moto G7 and Moto G7 Plus are so important.
Motorola's G-series phones may not be the flashiest around, but each year since 2013 they've offered some of the best value choices for those after a phone that works well and doesn't cost too much.
The Moto G7 is expected to have a small teardrop notch, to fit more display onto its front, and have at least two cameras on its back.
All the latest news and rumors: Moto G7 | Moto G7 Plus Honor 11Bringing flagship features to more affordable prices
When? May 2019
Honor has been on a roll with flagship phones such as the Honor Magic 2 and the Honor View 20 already announced. These phones feature high-end specs and are on the higher side of pricing as well.
But Honor is known to bring high-end features at competitive prices and thus, we are excited what comes to Honor 11 (or Honor 20, whatever the company decides to call it.)
Expect some of the features from the current Honor flagships to trickle down to the Honor 11 such as a teardrop notch or a punch hole display along with upgraded cameras- all wrapped up in a package that oozes premium.
Honor 11: what we want to see Samsung Galaxy XThe foldable Samsung Galaxy X could be the most exciting phone of the year
When? Mid-2019, TBC
The top candidate for strangest phone of 2019 is an easy one to call. It's the Samsung Galaxy X, the foldable phone rumored for half a decade. And it is almost here.
A prototype version of what is presumed to be this foldable monster was seen in 2018 at the Samsung Developer Conference.
It's effectively a vehicle for Samsung's Infinity Flex display technology, the OLED panel and folding mechanism and makes such a futuristic-looking design possible. OK, so it's "2002-era futuristic", but we still want to give it a try.
You effectively get a phone-shaped handset with a screen on the outside that can open up to reveal a tablet-size display. It's one way to let a phone take on the serious jobs you might otherwise use a laptop for. One snag: it's likely to be hugely expensive, enough to make the Galaxy S10 look cheap.
Samsung Galaxy X: everything we know so far OnePlus 7The OnePlus 6T added an in-display fingerprint scanner and a smaller notch
When? Before end of May 2019
OnePlus thrives on "leaks" and teasers rather than carefully keeping them to a tight pre-release schedule. And we already know the next OnePlus phone, which may be called the OnePlus 7, will have 5G mobile internet.
It will make it one of the first to offer 5G mobile internet. And unless you live in a country with some of the best mobile network infrastructure in the world, it also likely means that extra speed won't be meaningful for a while.
Still, shiny new things still shine. OnePlus let this tease out at Qualcomm's Snapdragon conference in December 2018, suggesting the phone will use the Snapdragon 855 CPU. You can expect existing OnePlus goodies too, like an in-screen fingerprint scanner and, probably, largely glass build.
The one snag is the price. OnePlus has suggested the 5G version of the OnePlus 7 will be $300 more than the norm, so let's hope there's a 4G version for us mere mortals too.
OnePlus 7 release date, price, news and leaks iPhone 11 and 11 MaxThe iPhone XS and XS Max were incremental upgrades, so we're hoping for big things from the iPhone 11
When? September
As ever, it'll be months before we see anything vaguely reliable leaked about the next iPhone. Apple likes to keep its surprises fresh for the big day, and that big day isn't until (most likely) September.
The roll call of current spurious suggestions about what the iPhone 11 will be like include a pop-up camera module, a TouchBar display on its side and an iPad Pro-like stylus.
We don't believe a word of it, but we're happy to be proved wrong.
iPhone 11 release date, price, news and leaks Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XLThe Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL have some of the best cameras on a phone - how will the Pixel 4 improve?
When? October
It's too early for any major Pixel 4 leaks. But some references to 2019's upcoming 'first-party' Android have already appeared. Product codenames were spotted in the ARCore developer kit. This is what developers use to make Android AR apps.
"Bonito and Sargo" may be the behind-the-scenes names for the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. This also suggests they may have next-generation augmented reality abilities.
Such a feature would work in Google's favor, as it may well mean they have something rivals around at the same time lack. Also, here's to hoping that Google finally, officially releases the Pixel series in the Middle East.
Read our in-depth reviews: Google Pixel 3 | Google Pixel 3 XL Huawei Mate 30 ProThe Mate 20 Pro turned out to the best phone in 2018- can Huawei follow it up next year with the Mate 30?
When? October
Huawei has had one hell of a year in 2018 with the P20 Pro and the Mate 20 Pro which are easily the best phones of this year. The Mate 20 Pro really pushed the boundaries of what phones are capable of and thus a lot will be riding on the Mate 30 Pro when it's released late next year.
It's too soon to tell, and we'll be honest, we really have no idea what Huawei will bring with the Mate 30 Pro considering the current model already has all the bells and whistles that phones will be rocking in 2019, but it is Huawei's flagship product so expect the unexpected.
Huawei Mate 20 ReviewAt RSA’s 2004 security conference, Bill Gates predicted, “There is no doubt that over time, people are going to rely less and less on passwords,” adding that passwords “just don’t meet the challenge for anything you really want to secure.”
A pertinent truth that is often forgotten when discussing the importance of authentication is that passwords should have been removed from the equation a long time ago. However, many companies do not see why they should protect their users by moving away from passwords; they do not see customer security as a sales point nor a part of their business practice. Meanwhile, regulators see strong authentication as a business to business practice and not as a ‘must have’ in the consumer market.
As a result of a shift in awareness, regulations, and motivation in 2018 alone, we have more evidence than ever to believe this change will finally be implemented in the coming year, with many companies standing to benefit from its advantages.
Shift in awarenessThere was an endless cycle of credential related breaches in 2018, from HSBC to Twitter and most notably Facebook, which resulted in an increase in both business and consumer awareness for weak single factor authentication.
Shift in regulationsWith regulatory officials like HIPPA and PCI-DSS supporting multi-factor authentication and its three factor types: something you know, something you have and something you are, this mode of verification is here to stay.
Shift in liabilityWith the implementation of The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) this year, the liability has shifted from the end user to the data handler and data processor, leaving the company legally liable for any breach of customer privacy and information. This change in liability hits organizations where it hurts – profits – giving them an incentive to provide better authentication processes to employees and customers alike.
These shifts have been predicted, however in the last few months we have seen an interesting shift in the least expected place: the US government. Sen. Richard Blumenthal tweeted that “we must set clear customer data protection standards for all companies — whether they’re hotel chains, online retailers, or big tech — and severe penalties for those who fall short.”
The public, regulators, and government are each aware of the dangers of passwords. In 2019 we will start to see companies which already utilize multi-factor authentication, present it as a unique sales value. Companies that don’t already use it will begin to support multi-factor authentication and use their newfound security to attract customers.
User experience and cost are two other components we believe will also soon adapt. An attractive business model is to offer a less expensive option for identity security that is both easier and more secure. According to Gartner’s 2018 Market Guide for User Authentication:
“By 2022, 60% of large and global enterprises, and 90% of midsize enterprises (MSEs), will implement passwordless methods in more than 50% of use cases, which is an increase from fewer than 5% today.”
Passwordless authentication is more secure, requires less maintenance (password resets, employee downtime) and the overall experience is simpler and easier, creating a superior user experience and a higher conversion of sales. Although over a decade too early, Bill Gates got it right in 2004 as we will see the masses move away from passwords in 2019.
Raz Rafaeli, CEO and Co-founder of Secret Double Octopus
We've also highlighted the best free password managersExclusives, originals, classics, when it comes to the best of the best TV shows, Netflix is still our number one streaming platform. Although Now TV and Amazon Prime have a great selection of movies and TV, Netflix is still our firm favourite because it's constantly being updated with such a great mix of series both old and new.
[Update: A new Black Mirror movie is here! Called Bandersnatch, it's an interactive adventure that puts the viewer in control of key decisions throughout the film, with multiple possible outcomes and endings.]
November on Netflix saw the sixth and final season of House of Cards land on our screens, the launch of the heartwarming new documentary series Dogs, as well as the return of The Good Place for a brand new series.
The Christmas edition of the baking show for terrible bakers, Nailed It: Holiday has just landed, as well as a special holiday episode of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina As well as that, a brand new football documentary, Sunderland 'Til I Die has come to Netflix, and it follows the club as they try to bounce back from relegation in the 2017-18 Premier League.
There's sad news for Daredevil fans however, which has just been cancelled by the streaming giant despite just finishing its popular third season.
In other Netflix news, it has expanded its offering of 'interactive storytelling' with Minecraft: Story Mode, a choose-your-adventure story developed by Telltale Games, which kids are sure to love.
What's coming soon on Netflix?As you can probably tell from that quick rundown, one of the best things about Netflix is it really does cater for every taste, from gritty true crime and thrillers through to fantasy, space adventures and plenty of cartoons and fun for kids. We can’t guarantee it, but we’re pretty sure there’s something for everyone.
Let’s not forget that a lot of the best shows on Netflix right now are originals that have been created by the Netflix team and the studios behind them. In short, Netflix is really on a roll.
Here's some of the brilliant Netflix UK shows you can expect in early 2019:
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Season 3 - January 1 2019Star Trek Discovery, Season 2 - January 18 2019Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Season 4 (Part 2) - January 25 2019Santa Clarita Diet, Season 3 - Early 2019A still from Star Trek Discovery
Check out our in-depth and completely updated Netflix reviewWant to test out the rival? Here's our Best Amazon Prime Video TV ShowsWant know the best movies on Netflix. Then this is your in-depth guideThe best Netflix sci-fi movies you can stream right nowWatching from abroad? You'll need the best Netflix VPN Best Netflix Original seriesA bizarre new sci-fi series based on a Norwegian TV show of the same name. It's about Annie and Owen, played by Emma Stone and Jonah Hill, two troubled strangers who are brought together during some strange pharmaceutical trials. Dr. James K. Mantleray claims that a new series of pills he's created can solve all kinds of mental illness and heartbreak, but there's something much deeper and more sinister going on too.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Yes, Bojack Horseman is hilarious. Yes, it’s the best thing Will Arnett has done since Arrested Development. And, yes, it should be the next thing you watch if you are into anthropomorphic comedy about a once great TV star who has fallen on hard times. It’s all of that but it’s also a pretty accurate portrayal of depression and should be celebrated as such.
For those who are worried it may be too dark for them, fear not - there's loads of slapstick humor, word play, and stunning animation to keep everything balanced.
Seasons on Netflix: 5
Is The Crown Netflix's crowning glory? It could be, as a sumptuous look at one of the world's most famous families: the Royal family. Charting the early years of the relationship between the Queen (Claire Foy) and Prince Philip (former Doctor Who Matt Smith), the show was written by Peter Morgan and, at £100 million, is one of the most expensive TV series ever made. Which means there's enough pomp and ceremony to keep those pining for a Downton Abbey replacement happy.
The second season is now on Netflix and is a nice improvement on the first series - it's also the last that stars the current cast, with Olivia Coleman and Helena Bonham Carter slated to appear as the Queen and Princess Margaret respectively in the next couple on seasons.
Seasons on Netflix: 2
Orange Is The New Black is back for its sixth season and is a show that consistently one of the best to watch, with its superb tale of life in a women's prison.
It's so popular that it is now the most watched series on Netflix - although the makers have announced that the show's next season will be its last.
The show has returned for a sixth season and things are looking pretty bleak for the inmates of Litchfield Penitentiary. Tensions and issues with the US prison system brought to the fore. While the comedy is still there, it's slathered with a fair bit of drama and darkness.
Seasons on Netflix: 6
The long-awaited second season of the female wrestling comedy GLOW is finally here. The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling have returned and this time they’ve been commissioned for a full series of their trashy, hot-pink, hairspray-fuelled wrestling show led by their coked-up director (played by Marc Maron). The fantastic second season could potentially even outshine the first for its refreshing female-fronted cast and writers, and its brilliant balancing act between empowerment and exploitation. It’s a must-watch.
Seasons on Netflix: 2
The best upcoming TV shows and movies on Netflix Best drama series on NetflixThe highly-anticipated season 6 of House of Cards is here, which will have Robin Wright's character, Claire Underwood, take centre stage after the Kevin Spacey assault and harassment allegations saw him being axed from the series. We're not sure how House of Cards will hold up without Frank Underwood, but if anyone can take the reins, it's Wright.
Seasons on Netflix: 6
Breaking Bad is must-watch TV and one of the reasons Netflix has risen to the popularity it has. Before Breaking Bad, Netflix was seen as a fairly decent streaming service. After it got the rights to show the final season of Breaking Bad in the UK, Netflix propelled itself to superstardom. Not bad for a show that’s ostensibly about a high-school teacher with cancer who goes on to sell meth to pay for his hospital bills.
It goes without saying, if you haven’t yet spent time with Walter White and Jesse - do so now! But, be warned, the show is as addictive as the stuff Walter is peddling.
Seasons on Netflix: 5
This contemporary BBC remake of the Arthur Conan Doyle classic is dark, funny, and intricately written, and it's brought Victorian sleuth Sherlock Holmes bang up to date for the modern age.
With stellar performances from Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Holmes and Dr Watson respectively, this BBC adaptation is an absolute must-watch. Storylines packed with intrigue and nail-biting tension are offset by moments of genuine humor, so even the scaredy-cats in the family will find something to love about this series.
Seasons on Netflix: 4
Adapted from the comic book of the same name (mins the ***), The End Of The F***ing World is f***ing brilliant. It tells the tale of two teenagers on a journey; both are loners on the run but one of them just happens to be a bit of a psychopath. It's funny, but brutal TV. It's British and co-funded by Channel 4 and there's a fantastic edge to everything in it - and it's perfectly bite-sized, too at just under 20 minutes an episode. It's so good, it's destined to get a second season. The first ends so perfectly, though, it's actually a real shame that this will happen.
Seasons on Netflix: 1 (and it needs to stay that way)
On the face of it, Mad Men is about advertising execs - lead by the ever-conflicted Don Draper - in the Sixties but it's much much more. Each episode lingers, taking time to tell its tale, but it's worth the wait. Superb television that you can get caught up in.
Seasons on Netflix: 7
Best comedy series on NetflixV comedy is in a good place right now and, funnily enough, The Good Place is a perfect example of that. Starring Ted Danson and Kristen Bell, this off-the-wall comedy focuses on a recently deceased woman who is sent to a heaven-like utopia called the Good Place completely by accident. In order to stay there she goes to any lengths to hide what a terrible person she was when living.
Season 1 and 2 have already aired in the UK through Netflix, with new season 3 episodes being added each week in line with their US release.
A great cast, clever writing and an original concept make this a must-watch.
Seasons on Netflix: 3
All nine seasons of Peep Show are now on Netflix - and if you haven't seen the show, then you are in for a treat. Charting the rather mundane lives of two flatmates Jez (Robert Webb) and Mark (David Mitchell), the show is a wry look at adults trying and failing to be adults.
All shot in first person - hence the name - Peep Show doesn't shirk from sex, drugs and political incorrectness but it does it all in such a brilliantly British way, that you don't mind at all when you are watching some of the most awkward TV moments, including one of the characters serving up a dead dog for dinner.
Don't ask, just watch.
Seasons on Netflix: 9
Initially made on a shoe-string budget, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia first season had a cult following, but low viewing figures meant it was destined to be a one-series wonder. Thankfully, everything changed when Season 2 was eventually green-lit, thanks to some big-time star power. Danny De Vito joined for a 10-episode run that was extended because he loved it so much. He's still in the show that's now in its 11th season, bringing with him huge viewing figures. The antics of Dennis (Glenn Howerton), Mac (Rob McElhenney, the show's creator), Charlie (Charlie Kelly) and Sweet Dee (Kaitlin Olson) won't be for everyone - at its darkest the show's 'comedy' themes range from nazism to drug abuse - but stick with it and this deliciously depraved classic will reward you.
Its 13th season is currently airing in the US, but unfortunately is not yet available on Netflix.
Seasons on Netflix: 12
Arrested Development is one of the best comedies ever made. So it made sense that Netflix would want to resurrect it for a fifth season. The fourth season was funny, but it wasn’t perfect - primarily because most of the cast were too busy to get into the same room. But the fifth season brings back some of that Bluth magic, which is full of in-jokes, jokes that run for entire seasons and more, well, jokes, this is essential TV.
Seasons on Netflix: 5
Following the brilliant but immature NYPD detective Jake Peralta, this Golden Globe-winning series is a laugh-a-minute, with plenty of deadpan jokes, physical comedy, and crackpot characters.
Although there are five series, you can only find four on Netflix right now - but don't worry, with around 20 episodes per season Brooklyn Nine-Nine is still totally bingeable.
Best sci-fi / fantasy series on NetflixWhen it comes to TV and movies, the '80s is the nostalgia decade of the moment. Whether it's Jeff Nichols' Midnight Special that plays like a Steven Spielberg film, if Spielberg still made films like he did in the Eighties, or The Goldbergs and Red Oaks mining the decade for laughs, filmmakers can't get enough of the shell suits and Sony Walkmans.
Stranger Things is another brilliant homage to this era. Leaning heavily on Spielberg, John Carpenter and Stephen King - so much King - the story revolves around a small town, a group of friends, a missing person and a dodgy science lab. Writing anything else would give away the myriad twists in a show that is full of brilliant creepy fun.
The second season continues the brilliance of the first and you’ll be pleased to read that the quality has not diminished. In fact everything’s been ramped up - the horror is more horrific, the homages more on the nose and the creatures are, well, you’ll have to find out for yourself but you will not be disappointed.
[Update: Netflix has just released the titles for each episode of season 3 in this teaser video.]
Seasons on Netflix: 2
Co-created by and starring the ever-brilliant Brit Marling, The OA consists of eight episodes that rival Stranger Things for, well, strangeness.
Marling is a blind woman who comes back after disappearing for many years. Her sight is restored and she has a tale to tell. Although there are eight episodes they vary wildly in length - from 70 minutes to 30 minutes. The whole thing has been made to make you feel uneasy and it does a great job of that.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Well, this series went to places we never thought it would. Set before the exploits of the Starship Enterprise, the show is filled with Roddenberry characters. But while the original series had shades of light this is a much darker look at space exploration. Sonequa Martin-Green is great as the first officer who has a past intrinsically linked to Star Trek characters of the past - we can't wait to see where this series goes.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Season 4 of Black Mirror is out now and is the darkest, most varied season of the show yet. Comprising six episodes of varying (almost feature) length, Charlie Brooker has concocted another dose of dystopian satire that riffs off everything from Star Trek to, well, schlock-horror The Driller Killer.
Before Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker was best known for his snarky looky at the news in Weekly Wipe and his fantastic, caustic look at 'meeja' types in London’s Shoreditch. Now the show has given him superstar status. For good reason, it’s fantastic TV with each episode taking on a different dystopia topic, mostly framed around technology going very long. The third season was commissioned by Netflix and is in 4K, with most of the episodes being feature length.
[Update: A new Black Mirror movie is here! Called Bandersnatch, it's an interactive adventure that puts the viewer in control of key decisions throughout the film, with multiple possible outcomes and endings.]
Seasons on Netflix: 4
Dark is a German-language supernatural thriller in which the disappearance of two children in a small town brings the fractured relationships and dark pasts of the people living there to the surface.
Adding a touch of Scandinavian crime thriller to American drama, this 10-part series was renewed for a second season, which is expected to land in 2019.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Best horror movies: scary films to stream or buy in 2018 Best animated series on NetflixRick and Morty has enjoyed an almost obsessive cult following since its release in 2013, and with three seasons on Netflix, there's a lot to catch up on if you haven't seen it yet.
The series follows the crazy inter-dimensional adventures of mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his timid grandson Morty, as they navigate both the multiverse and fraught family relationships.
Part of it's wide appeal is creator Dan Harmon's masterful combination of side-splitting humor with sometimes devastating emotional depth, meaning Rick and Morty is a series you will unlikely be able to stop watching once you start.
Seasons on Netflix: 3
Another sci-fi entry here: after human prisoner Gary meets a planet-destroying alien, they must go on an interstellar mission to save Earth. Alongside a ragtag team of misfits, Gary embarks on a journey through space to find out the true meaning of 'final space', or where the universe ends.
Laugh-out-loud funny, and surprisingly emotional, the series was picked up for another season in May 2018.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Based on the life of comedian Bill Burr, F is for Family is a funny and endearing cartoon set in 1970's American suburbia, and centres around Burr's father Frank Murphy.
A little like an even more adult version of The Simpsons, the series is all about 70's nostalgia, with musical, costume, and cultural throwbacks interspersed with Frank's profane rants at his misbehaving children and long suffering wife Sue.
Full to the brim with laugh-out-loud moments, the series is just as heartwarming as it is hilarious - and it's back for a brilliant third season.
Seasons on Netflix: 3
Archer is back on Netflix for its penultimate ninth season, and like the previous season, the characters are playing different versions of themselves as Archer still lies in a coma.
This time Archer is a drunken co-pilot alongside Pam, who crash their plane onto the verdant Pacific island of Mitimotu, with the series paying homage to the short-lived television series Tales of the Golden Monkey and the Indiana Jones films.
Seasons on Netflix: 9
Based on the manga of the same name by Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan is an action -packed anime that's set in a world where humans live in cities protected by enormous walls to protect them from gigantic humanoid monsters called Titans who devour them at any opportunity.
When a Titan breaks through the wall of protagonist Eren Yeager's hometown, he vows to get revenge by joining a group of soldiers who battle them. Although the show has a dedicated fan following, the second and third seasons are yet to be released on Netflix.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Now something for the kids – originally aired on Cartoon Network, Over the Garden Wall is a charming mini-series that centers on two half brothers Wirt and Greg (voiced by Elijah Wood and Collin Dean respectively) who must find their way home through an enchanted forest.
Stalked by an evil ancient creature called 'The Beast', the two boys encounter the strange and sometimes wonderful inhabitants of the forest along their way.
With stunning animation inspired by Victorian illustrations and postcards, Over the Garden Wall is the perfect watch for adults and children alike.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Want to know more? Here's our top 12 Netflix cartoons Best documentaries on NetflixThe world's fascination with real crime seems to be at its highest at the moment and it's all thanks to the podcast Serial. Now on to its second series, Serial highlights cases of crime in forensic detail. Making a Murderer is in a similar vein. This 10-part series looks at Steven Avery, someone who spent 18 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit and is then accused of a different crime. The show has been ten years in the making and is gripping stuff.
Seasons on Netflix: 2
If true crime is your thing, then you'll want to get stuck into Evil Genius this weekend. It's about the very odd story of a pizza delivery man who robs a bank with a bomb tied around his neck. And that's all we can really say without ruining some of the more baffling details.
Described by numerous review sites as "unnerving" and "Lynchian", this isn't one for rom-com lovers or those looking for a chilled Sunday evening watch.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Nature buffs will have likely already watched this breath-taking documentary series when it first premiered on the BBC back in 2016, but you can rewatch it all again now the entire second season has landed on Netflix.
Following on from the super popular Planet Earth, this beautiful, breath-taking and at times brutal look at our planet and the plants, animals and people that thrive on it is made even more compelling because it's narrated by David Attenborough and the main music is composed by Hans Zimmer.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
ESPN might've had the world of sports documentaries well in hand with its 30 for 30 series. But that was before Netflix got the crazy idea to make one of its own. Inspired by an article in GQ magazine, Last Chance U follows student athletes who are one step away from never playing football again. On top of the pressures on the field, students face problems in the classroom where class absences and the fear failing hit harder than a defensive lineman. It's gritty, heart-wrenching and exactly the kind of series that gives you something to root for all while biting your nails.
Just in time for football season, the third season of the show – which follows a new team in Independence, Kansas – is now available.
Seasons on Netflix: 3
Created by Netflix and Vox Media, this handy and smart series takes a look at some of the most popular ideas and tech around today and explains them in a way that's poignant in its presentation without feeling overwhelming to take in.
From the racial wealth gap, cryptocurrency and why diets rarely work through to K-Pop and the stock market, it's an insightful look at the problems, ideas and trends around today and the stuff that could shape tomorrow. At the very least, it gives you enough knowledge to have a really good debate down at the pub.
Seasons on Netflix: 1
Best reality series on NetflixNeed a dose of feel-good TV to help cope with today's rocky political landscape? Check out Queer Eye, a show about being the best you with help from five of the coolest dudes on the planet. The show just entered its second season and we're still loving the premise of taking people stuck in a rut and hoisting them to the self-respecting, self-loving person we all want to be. Werk.
Seasons on Netflix: 2
Everyone’s favourite baking show is on Netflix and ready to stream. If you didn’t binge on baking as you binged on chocolate eggs, head on over to the streaming site now to watch seven seasons of GBBO. For those not in the know (seriously, how?), Great British Bake Off is a baking reality show that follows wannabe bakers through a series of challenges week after week. Each time, someone is eliminated and it’s made all the more addictive by judges Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood.
The reboot of the series by Channel 4 (with an entirely new lineup apart from Hollywood) isn't yet available on Netflix, but the rights have been acquired by the streaming giant so it shouldn't be too long now.
Seasons on Netflix: 7
It's been going strong for 8 years and 10 seasons, but RuPaul's Drag Race is still giving fierce fans a heavy dose of fabulous. For those not already in the know, the elimination-style reality show sees RuPaul go on the hunt for America's next drag superstar - expect lots of glitter, drama, and fun.
[Update: A brand new animated series starring show alumni Ginger Minj Trixie Mattel, Shangela, and Willam called Super Drags landed on Netflix on November 8.]
Seasons on Netflix: 9
If watching The Great British Bake Off makes you feel inadequate, you should try Nailed It!, the baking show for people who suck at baking. The series sees three contestants per episode take on two impossible baking challenges, with the winner receiving $10,000.
Hosted by the infectiously upbeat Nicole Byer and suave French pastry chef Jaques Torres, this show is guaranteed to make you smile.
[Update: The Christmas edition, Nailed It: Holiday is out now...perfect watching for a cosy night in.]
Seasons on Netflix: 2
If you were a fan of Takeshi's Castle back in the day, or more recently, Ninja Warrior, you're going to love Ultimate Beastmaster. The competition sees 2 contestants from six to nine countries take on 'The Beast', a ridiculously challenging obstacle course that only the fittest will be able to take on.
What sets this series apart from other obstacle course shows is that Netflix produces six localized versions, featuring "select television hosts, actors, comedians and athletes as commentators from the six countries competing in the show".
Seasons on Netflix: 3
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